Charcoal studies

“One day I was painting, and black had invaded the entire surface of the canvas, without form, without contrast, without transparency.

In this extreme, I saw a kind of negation of black.

Differences in texture reflect light more or less faintly, and from the dark emanated a clarity, a pictorial light, whose particular emotional power animated my desire to paint.

My instrument was no longer black, but this secret light coming from the dark.”


Pierre Soulages

« Les Tomates cerises, Série Comestibles » Charcoal on paper 8 x 12 cm - Sold
Le Royal Palace de Nogent sur Marne - Charcoal on paper 20x10cm
Les Poires 1/2 - Série Comestibles - Charcoal on paper 10 x 10 cm - Sold
Série Comestibles - Charcoal on paper - Sold
Les Oignons 2/4 - Série Comestibles - Charcoal on paper 20x25cm - Sold
Grands pins maritimes  Bassin d’Arcachon - Charcoal on paper 15x14cm - Sold
Les Panais - Série Comestibles - Charcoal on paper 26 x 19 cm - Sold
Les Oignons 1/4 - Série Comestibles - Charcoal on paper 20x25cm - Sold
Les Oignons 3/4 - Série Comestibles - Charcoal on paper 20x25cm - Sold
Les Oignons 4/4 - Série Comestibles - Charcoal on paper 20x25cm - Sold

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