Floral Scenes
Isabelle Delannoy is particularly fond of floral subjects. She calls them her floral landscapes. Landscapes because she does not just represent a bouquet but a bouquet that fits into a space as if to tell a story.
Her interest in flowers comes from her interest in nature, as many painters find nature an inexhaustible subject.
Composition with pots
The foreground offers us a magnificent bouquet in yellow tones, the second plan a succession of milk jugs and the third plan with its 2 seaside landscapes suggests depth. The bouquet and one of the pots are reflected in the mirror that we discover afterwards as the gaze is captivated by the yellow of the bouquet and the landscape of the third dimension. The palette is warm and composed of ocher tones, and sienna.
Nature with Pots
This powdery-toned bouquet was made in the studio of the painter and only came out very recently. The bouquet blooms in majesty over the entire surface of the painting and the broom branches bring a very springy note to the whole. The bottles in the foreground suggest a human presence and the glass roof in the background opens us to a third dimension.
The floral composition fills the eyes. The powdery flowers are generous and delicate. The rotary movement of the branch at the top left brings a dynamic to the whole and that on the right which escapes from the composition an opening towards another place … Life is at its center with the Bee which peacefully forages the flower on which she landed. The touches of blue respond to each other and structure the composition, giving the eye time to get lost, to escape in this blue from the left